TEL +55 11 2369-5692

CEP 01415-000 São Paulo SP
Andre Becker

André is ABPA’s principal. He graduated from FAUUSP in 2001 and acquired experience with residential, commercial, cultural and corporative design by working with Ruy Ohtake (1998-1999), Ubyrajara Gilioli (1999-2000) and Aflalo & Gasperini (2000-2004).

Since 2005 he has been focusing exclusively on developing his own projects with collaborators.

André has collaborated with architect Ubyrajara Gilioli on the awarded project for the new headquarters of CREA/SP and on the renovation of the Campos Elíseos Palace (former seat of state government, located in São Paulo’s city center) in partnership with FUPAM (Foundation for Architecture and Environment Research).

He was among the finalists of the 7th edition of O Melhor da Arquitetura Award (2014) and the 1st edition of WAward (2014). He also received Honorable Mentions for his Urban House at the IAB-SP 2010 award ceremony and for his project for the Museum of Science and Technology of São Paulo at the CNS 2001 awards (a national architecture contest). André was also part of the team led by Ubyrajara Gilioli that won 2nd place at a national contest promoted by Usiminas to design the headquarters of the Grupo Corpo dance company.

André’s works have appeared in the TV shows “Casa Brasileira” (GNT channel) and “Estilo Arte 1” (Arte 1 channel). He also had projects exhibited at the 9th edition of São Paulo’s International Architecture Biennial (2011) and in the Brazilian pavilion of the 2014 Venice Biennale of Architecture.

The works developed by ABPA have also appeared in many national and international publications, like the magazines AREA (Italy), IW (Taiwan), AXXIS (Colombia), Open Concept Apartmentes (EUA), GIZ, Bamboo, AU-Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Arquitetura e Construção, L+D, Casas Contemporâneas, Casa e Jardim, OCA, KAZA, as well as architecture websites.